[Public-list] Roller Reefing Boom

Peter Staehling staehpj1 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 17 04:21:00 PDT 2006

Aurora has the roller reefing boom and her main has no
reef points so I assume I will be reefing with the
roller arrangement.  I was hoping for some advice on
this arrangement.

Am I correst that this is only used as a reefing
roller or is it also used to roll the sail for storage
on the boom?

I don't seem to have any way to hook up a vang to the
boom.  I have seen a picture of one method of
attachment at:
I may have to build one.  Can anyone provide
dimensions?  What is it made of?  I am guessing
aluminum plate either 1/4" or 3/8" thick.  I imagine
that the shape and dimensions aren't too critical, but
I am not sure how strong it needs to be.

Alternately does someone have one they don't want/need
that they would sell, or long term loan?

I am also interested in any advice or suggestions on
how to use this roller reefing system (or whether to
use it).

Am I correct to assume that a vang is needed on a
cruising A30?

If I have a new main built I am assuming that reef
points are a desired option.  Or does the roller
system work well enough that it is preferred over slab

BTW: My daughter Erica and I took Aurora out for the
first time Saturday.  The wind was light and piped up
pretty good later so we got a good sample of how she
handles in a variety of conditions.  We were pretty
impressed with her.

Thanks for being patient with my many naive questions.


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