[Public-list] slab reefing, boom vang
Philip Bartlett
pbartlett at shaw.ca
Thu Apr 20 20:56:53 PDT 2006
Hi Gordon,
What are you using for reef line cleats on the boom? Windward has clam
cleats that the reeflines creep through over time. I worry that they will
slip completely and let the reef out damaging the sail at the tie points. I
have considered changing to rope clutches or plain cleats but have not
decided which yet.
Windward #428
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gordon Laco" <mainstay at csolve.net>
To: "Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all" <public-list at alberg30.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Public-list] slab reefing, boom vang
> Hi Jonathan -
> That is exactly what I want to do with my sheet/lift assembly.
> Re the reefing - when you say 'mast reef cringle' do you mean 'reef tack'?
> I don't know how that can be below the boom. We ensure that the points
> are
> not causing problems by tying them loosely and always using shoe-bow knots
> (they are quick to release).
> We reef on any point of sail except dead downwind (you can do that but it
> is
> hard to drag the sail down against the shrouds).
> The drill goes like this:
> - cast off sheet and vang
> - ease halyard and haul down tack (I had a hook welded to the horizontal
> gooseneck pin to make the reef tack fast to. This should be as close as
> possible to the natural position for the tack to avoid creating needless
> stress on the sail, not to mention a poor set)
> - haul taut the halyard, this must happen before the clew comes down.
> - haul down the clew with the reefing line.
> - on vang, in sheet and you are galloping again.
> We then loosely tie reef points to bundle up the bunt later. The reef
> line
> cleats are on the inboard end of the boom, so the guy at the mast can
> handle
> both the halyard and the line without moving, and with the boom in any
> position on any point of sail.
> Gord #426
>> Dear Gord,
>> After my topping lift parted at the masthead, part of my
>> upgrading, ( I almost took out my daughter by the way. She was NOT
>> amused!).
>> was to rethink the same single bolt arrangement at the boom end, which I
>> did
>> not trust at all. I ended up drilling a 1/2" hole on both sides of the
>> boom
>> and hanging two very skookum stainless steel boom bails. One connects the
>> main sheet and one the topping lift. I trust them much more than the
>> riveted
>> or screwed plates with an eye welded on.
>> With regards reefing technique, I am thinking that it is better to
>> have
>> the mast reef cringle at or slightly below the level of the boom so as to
>> avoid the possibility of the reef tie in points being stretched when
>> tying
>> in the bunt. Any comments? Techniques for reefing will be appreciated.
>> Jonathan EMMY
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Gordon Laco" <mainstay at csolve.net>
>> To: "Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all" <public-list at alberg30.org>
>> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:04 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Public-list] slab reefing, boom vang
>>> Oh yeah, that was your original question. I guess I forgot about it
>>> while
>>> I
>>> was pounding the table, spilling everybody's beer!
>>> Yes, two reefs is common - if you look at the pictures of us reefing
>>> that
>>> George has put on the US A30 website you will be able to get an idea of
>>> the
>>> size of each reef. Sorry, I forget the exact measurements. I do recall
>>> asking my sailmaker to make both reefs deep.
>>> Re where to hang the vang on the boom... There is no rule of thumb there
>>> but
>>> keep in mind that the loading on it will be terrific. I put ours
>>> somewhat
>>> further along that boom than the boom is high above the step. If I were
>>> to
>>> do again I would move it further out. I think you can see it in the
>>> same
>>> pictures mentioned above.
>>> Which reminds me - I sometimes look at that single bolt in the clew end
>>> of
>>> the boom from which the mainsheet is hung, and wonder why I depend on it
>>> so
>>> much. I will someday fit a formed stainless steel block hanger there
>>> similar to the one I mounted for the vang.
>>> Gord #426
>>>> Bob and Gord,
>>>> You're both right about jiffy reefing needing only two grommets for
>>>> each
>>>> reef and about the "in between" grommets (those between the tack and
>>>> the
>>>> clew grommets) being used only to tie in the bunt, with no load on
>>>> them.
>>>> That's how I reef the main on my present boat (a Tanzer 26). So, I
>>>> agree
>>>> that my mention of "rows of reef points" was misleading.
>>>> Now, I am considering getting an Alberg 30 and I probably will want to
>>>> go
>>>> to
>>>> slab reefing instead of the original roller reefing.
>>>> Do you know if there are any guidelines about how high above the foot
>>>> of
>>>> the
>>>> main the two grommets for each of the two reefs should be (I assume
>>>> that
>>>> two
>>>> reefs is standard)?
>>>> And do you know how far from the mast the boom vang should hook onto
>>>> the
>>>> boom to achieve maximum purchase?
>>>> Thanks again,
>>>> Bernard
>>>>> Bernard,
>>>>> For jiffy reefing you only need two grommets for each reef. (Your
>>>>> mention of "the rows of reef points" sounds like the old method of
>>>>> reefing that ties the foot of the sail at many points). Excuse me if i
>>>>> misinterpreted your mention of "the rows of reef points" .
>>>>> Bob Johns, Wind Call #397
>>>>> The only function of the grommets is to offer a place to loosely tie
>>>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>> bunt or unused reefed portion of the sail - there should be no load on
>>>>> them.
>>>>> Gord #426
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