[Public-list] Lazyjacks

Janet Kirk isobar at bcpl.net
Tue Jan 10 17:11:46 PST 2006

At 10:42 AM 1/8/06 -0500, John Birch wrote:
>I would have thought full battens would be twisted into pretzels doing 
>that, mine are on Schaeffer slide cars. Since it works for you I will have 
>to try it - would be nice to get away from the lazy strings. By the way I 
>use small Laser plastic dinghy blocks on the lasyjacks - got a great deal 
>on them in Kingston Ontario during CORK a few years back - normally $9 
>each, I got them for $1.50 have 3 per side - no wear on the sail, they 
>weigh boo all and they really help align the jacks.
>Maybe your system will work for me - then I can redeploy them to something 
>else - spinnaker blocks for an A-37 perhaps ; )

John... See my earlier comment on the Dutchman mainsail rig about sail 
slides. I just use regular sail slides with my full battened main and 
haven't had a real problem. They do sometimes need an extra tug when I drop 
the main, but  they don't jam and I'm not sure slide cars would make a 
difference. Do they? Any idea why they recommend cars with a full batten?

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181


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