[Public-list] mooring recommendations

dickdurk at atlanticbb.net dickdurk at atlanticbb.net
Sat Jan 21 17:03:46 PST 2006

Perhaps the Soloman's (Patuxent River) area? Vera's White 
Sands Marina, for example.
Avoids the high Annapolis slip rents
Easy sail to the Potomac
Easy sail to Choptank
Within range of Annapolis
Interesting sailing Hooper Straits and upper Tangier 
Patuxent River itself is kinda nice.

You've probably got a couple hour car drive to anyplace 
you want to moor, Occaquan (on the Potomac above 
Quantico)-the town is Woodlawn I think, may interest you.

Huge number of choices, really. May I suggest prioritizing 
your interests/requiremants and then making a decision?

Michael Grosh


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