[Public-list] Ethanol Questions

Cole, Andrew L andrew.cole at llff.com
Mon Jul 3 07:08:51 PDT 2006

Has anyone found a good reliable resource regarding the new ethanol
blended fuels?  

I have found some good information on the Moyer Marine site, most of
which seems to be that water is bad, and fiberglass fuel tanks have the
potential to degrade unless coated with an alcohol resistant finish.

I have also seen some mention that ethanol is more corrosive to softer
metals including copper and aluminum, but can't find anything reliable.
I have an aluminum tank with copper lines.  I believe the Racor filter
housing is also aluminum.  How do I determine if my tank, filter and
fuel lines are alcohol compatible?

Also, does anyone know how to "clean" water out of a fuel tank short of
draining it?  Are the fuel "driers" safe to use in a tank that will not
get burned through quickly?


P.S.  I am going to pull my fuel filler cap next time I go to the boat
and coat the threads and gasket with petroleum jelly to keep as much
water out as possible.  

Cole, Andrew L
Admitted in Maryland, Virginia & Florida
One Corporate Center
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Baltimore MD 21117

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