[Public-list] Atomic 4 compression

Brian Palmer Bpalmer at DigitalArsenal.com
Wed Jul 5 06:59:17 PDT 2006

Speaking of the Atomic 4's, can I get an idea from my fellow Albergers what
RPMs you run your A4s at to achieve cruising speed (and what speed you
generally power along at)?

I'm experiencing problems with my A4 where it seems to be lacking power.  It
runs just fine out of gear, but in gear, I cant get it above about 1200 RPMs
on a good day.  On a bad day, it stalls out, and will only continue to run
when I choke the engine quite a bit.

When idling out of gear, it runs smooth, and will rev up smoothly, but under
load it doesn't do so well.

I had someone suggest that I might have a leak in the seal around my carb,
which would explain the need to choke it to pull in extra fuel to mix with
the extra air leaking in.  Does anyone have a suggestion I can try?

L'Esprit 288


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