[Public-list] Bronze turnbuckles replacements

Rick Leach RLeach at mbayaq.org
Wed Jul 19 09:24:50 PDT 2006

George correctly mentioned:

>>No, that's fine.  I'm glad you've got bronze turnbuckles available, as 
>>the stainless ones tend to gall.

Which it definitely true for stainless threads that have no lubrication.  I've always had good luck with lanolin paste (Brand- Lanocote).  It's a little messy, but I've never had a fitting or fastener gall when using it.  It also creates a bit of a dielectric film that can help inhibit the oxidation of aluminum that is in contact with stainless (or other dissimilar metals).  

None of this is meant to dissuade anyone from using properly sized bronze, but if you have, or are getting stainless, it's worth the effort.

Standard fee of $0.02 waved.

Rick Leach
S/V Sugar Magnolia
Monterey, California


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