[Public-list] aux fuel tank

Gordon White gewhite at crosslink.net
Tue Jul 25 14:37:56 PDT 2006

I added about a 6 gallon tank several years ago. The original gasoline 
tank had  been replaced by a plastic 11 gal. tank in the starboard  
cockpit locker I added the second tank just aft of it, with its own fill 
pipe and vent. I run  fuel lines (out and in, for the diesel injectors) 
to separate Racor filters. To switch tanks I throw both valves one way 
of the other. I see no noticeable trim change. Must be some, but it's 
not obvious. I keep both topped up to avoid condensation.

Incidentally, I checked my chainplate bolts. They are all 3/8" 
stainless. Must have been done 15+ years ago.

 Gordon White
Brigadoon II


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