[Public-list] Dismasting!

John Brugeman johnbrugeman at ameritech.net
Sat Jul 15 06:15:54 PDT 2006

My suggestion would be to replace any Wilcox/Crittendon turnbuckles and any other bronze fittings that go with them.  Also make sure you pins are the proper size to fit the fitting holes.

Michael Grosh <dickdurk at atlanticbb.net> wrote:  > In checking some of the other bronze fittings that were savaged, we found 
> many >of the turnbuckles loose at the threads.

I have been following this thread with interest, I have the original Wilcox 
Crittendon open turnbuckles, which I like, still installed.

My question is, with all these rig failures and dismastings, have the 
turnbuckles themselves been implicated? All I've seen so far are shackles, 
bulkheads, and the occasional bridge.

Michael Grosh

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