[Public-list] Dual Headstay

Christos Katehis ckatehis at handsonsailing.us
Tue Jun 13 06:14:26 PDT 2006

Last season  was my first with a jib furling system; it was a wise decision but I gave up on sail choices. My sails are all hi cut for coastal / blue water cruising and I converted my 135% for the furler. Refing this high cut 135% does not do the job of a normal working jib. I decided I want the best of both worlds a dual headstay sytem.
  I noticed Yves Gelinas has modified to a dual headstay and I am in pursuit of the same.
  My question is towards Stephen Sousa; can the shop that did the new mast heads for the group modify a mast head and the stemhead fitting to accomidate a dual head stay system? I am in talks with Yves to supply me pictures and or a sketch of his system.
  Chris Katehis
  Kasia #383
  New York City


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