[Public-list] Boarding Ladders

dickdurk at atlanticbb.net dickdurk at atlanticbb.net
Thu Mar 30 17:05:26 PST 2006

>I guess wearing the safety harness while on deck is the >best technique. Has 
>anyone actually fallen overboard wearing one?

I used to jump overboard holding a line while 
sailing-before my imagination got the better of me, using 
myself as fish bait, AKA Waterworld. Anyway, at much more 
that 1 1/2-2 knots it would be very difficult to get out 
of the water-ladder or not. Any kind of a sea the easiest 
way is to pull myself up over the gunwale. Another reason 
I like Albergs-the gunwale is low enought I can do that.

That is assuming a fully concious, physically capable 
person, of course. Otherwise I have a rig ala Gord w/ 
bosun's chair and mainsheet on end of boom



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