[Public-list] Crew slots avalable

Jim Davis a30240 at earthlink.net
Sun May 28 11:13:23 PDT 2006

A30 Association "Extended Summer Cruise" to New England leaving mid June.  Crew positions available, especially for Cape May to Block Island, 6/15-17.  Here is a perfect opportunity to gain some offshore experience.  Contact:
Bob Leigh  Leigh445 at cs.com 
Jim Davis  a30240 at earthlink.net
Brian Walters LunaBlu at pocketmail.com or 865-621-7018 

Jim Davis
S/V Isa Lei
CT 35

"One country may support another's cause, but will never take it so seriously as it takes its own.  A moderately- sized force will be sent to its help; but if things go wrong, the operation is pretty well written off, and one tries to withdraw at the smallest possible cost."   
Clausewitz, On War


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