[Public-list] Weather site

Peter Staehling staehpj1 at yahoo.com
Wed May 3 04:05:38 PDT 2006

This almost certainly is a repackaging of the
iWindsurf.com site that focuses on sailors rather than
windsurfers.  The screens and data appear to be

I have subscribed to iWindsurf for two or three years
and have found it to be an excellent resource.  It
looks like the data is all free on sailflow right now,
but look for them to only give minimal info for free
after they are up and running for a while.  That is
what they did with iWindsurf.

It is kind of a sneaky way to get folks hooked, but I
have found it worth subscribing to.  Any way, expect
to see a lot of the observation locations and the
forcasts blacked out to non subscribers in a few

BTW: While I have found the forcasts useful, the
observed data was interesting too.  After a trip it
was fun to check and see if my observations were
correct.  It is interesting to see if that gust was
really as strong as you thought etc.


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