[Public-list] Rudder Post Leak

richard.hazlegrove at wachovia.com richard.hazlegrove at wachovia.com
Thu May 4 07:47:25 PDT 2006

Bob,  George's advice regarding a dremel tool is good.  That is what I 
used to clean up the existing built-up fiberglass area at the base of the 
stuffing box tube. I can't  help you regarding the gas tank issue since 
mine was removed prior to my ownership of the boat. 

Regarding your question as to how much to grind away;  in my case,  the 
built up-area was still structurally sound and the leak was not through 
the fiberglass but rather at the bond between the shaft tube and 
fiberglass.  Therefore,  I was really only trying to re-establish a seal 
between the tube and the hull. I simply ground the existing built-up area 
only enough to provide a clean surface for the glass tape to adhere to.  I 
started as high on the tube as possible without covering any needed 
threads for the adjustment nut,  and wrapped around and down to the 
existing built-up area.  I probably did not apply more than two or three 
wraps in any one spot.  If you think you need additional structural 
strength,  I would think the more the better.  Mine has held for seven or 
eight years but to my knowledge, has not been subject to any groundings. 

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