[Public-list] barrier coat

BRIAN HOFLER bhofler at shaw.ca
Thu May 25 13:02:54 PDT 2006

Purchase Don Casey's books from the Good Old Boat website. They provide all the answers in simple language with great illustrations..

Brian - Putachieside

----- Original Message -----
From: John Malthouse <jmaltcontact at hotmail.com>
Date: Thursday, May 25, 2006 11:22 am
Subject: [Public-list] barrier coat

> Thanks George,
> >From what I have been reading your analyses seem to make sense to me.
> My A30 has very small pepper blisters above the water line. I 
> believe they 
> formed due to last springs cleaning before launch, stooped me used 
> acetone 
> to remove old wax before doing three stage compound polish. (a 
> beginner) Any 
> suggestions regarding this repair would be greatly appreciated. 
> Also above 
> the waterline near the forward port bulkhead is some fine line 
> cracks/blister horizontally (outside hull), Both conditions seem 
> to be only 
> in the gel coat. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
> I am working on the smaller 22 ft first in order to gage my skills 
> and 
> knowledge, This one had several blister just below the water line 
> and when 
> excavated more were found, so that now I have an 4" strip from bow 
> to stern 
> where I have ground down to the first layer of glass or a bit 
> more. The plan 
> is to use the WEST EPOXY ,HARDENER AND MICRO FILLERS. In all that 
> I have 
> been reading one should wet out the exposed glass with epoxy and 
> hardener. 
> Does this not create a barrier?
> Back to your comment on barrier coats stopping water molecules 
> from exiting, 
> Interesting enough it seems that the area of blister seem to be 
> where the 
> previous owner had over sprayed when he painted with ALGRIP?
> Boy do I ramble: suggestions welcome , do not want to damage my A30
> thanks: John / Mannin #452
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