[Public-list] I think the list may be back up.

Pete Howell pdhowa30 at verizon.net
Thu Nov 30 09:52:01 PST 2006

On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 23:26 -0500, George Dinwiddie wrote:
> This is an announcement, and a test.

ThanksGeorge we all appreciate your efforts.

Pete H.
> In the move, I included some old message archives.  They're still not 
> complete, but they go way back to April 1998 (plus some outliers that 
> were sent with the clock set wrong).
> Thanks to all who sent suggestions and offers to help.  (Including Brian 
> Hofler--I'm sorry I got so upset.)  The problems weren't monetary, just 
> that one company was dropping the service I was using and another 
> company was not giving good customer service.  It's been a long road and 
> a lot of work making this change.  I forget how many little changes I 
> make to the setup over time until I try to recreate it in a different 
> way on a different server.
> Things should be more or less back to normal.  Please let me know if you 
> encounter any difficulties.
>   - George


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