[Public-list] Alberg for sale

Patty J Timbuktu5555 at webtv.net
Thu Oct 5 15:59:29 PDT 2006

Thanks George.  It's been one tough year here on Mobile Bay, Al. since
Katrina.  I know everyone is tired of hearing about it.  Yesterday, we
finally started tearing down our beloved Fairhope Yacht Club that was
destroyed in the storm.  The club house has been there since the 40's.
There wasn't much said about what happened to us in Alabama, however, it
was the worse hurricane surge to ever hit here.  I lost 30 feet of my
bluff and just had it rebuilt with a huge bulkhead, 15 feet above mean
high tide.  People are rebuilding their wharfs to be 15 feet and 30 feet
above mean high tide.  It's unbelievable how many boats were lost right
here which is so far from the epi-center where the surge was over 35
feet in Bay Waveland, Ms.  Forget about New Orleans, it was the
Mississippi coast that was flattened and pictures just cannot capture
what being there is like.  I sat on my porch, here on Mobile Bay, and
watched as the surge came in and in and in and took so much of my bluff.
Watched boats and pierhouses flying along in the 6 to 12 ft waves on a
normally 2 to 3 ft choppy shallow bay.  Lived here since the early 50's
and have never seen anything like it.  News about here?  Only locally.
We lost 3 of the 4 yacht clubs on the bay.  We finally got our clubs
insurance payment and are building on 15 ft. pilings this time.
Hopefully, we will never see anything like this again.

Patty Johnson
Timbuktu #461


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