[Public-list] AirHead Note

Richard Mair fullkeel2000 at yahoo.ca
Thu Oct 26 09:54:55 PDT 2006

AirHead note:  Our apologies about taking so long to
post this, but we did want to add this note to the
discussion.  We installed an Airhead in Into The Blue,
and while we are very satisfied with it we have found
that the seat had a tendency to move on its hinges
when used under way - not always comfortable.  We
solved this by installing small tabs under the seat
where the spacer knobs go - they extend from under the
seat  an inch or so down the outside of the bowl and
are made of 1/8 inch aluminium strap 1 inch wide with
rubber underneath and on top - making it the same
thickness as the knobs we removed.  They are held in
place with the original screws supplemented by Crazy
Glue.  We have not had the same problem since.

Richard and Margaret
Into The Blue, # 609

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