[Public-list] Toe Rails Leaking

Michael Connolly crufone at sbcglobal.net
Sat Sep 9 05:36:46 PDT 2006

  Caulking without removal is never very satisfactory.  Removal is a major job but allows you to inspect/oil the underside of the teak.  This REALLY needs to be done every 15 years or so and ON ONE ever does until the leaks get so bad they can't tolerate them.
  Michael   #133

Jonathan Adams <laughing_gull at verizon.net> wrote:
  Ernest exposed the fact that my toe rails are leaking miserably. I have thought that I could caulk down the inside, and replace the fastenings, and thereby re-seal the toe rail without removing it. is this reasonable, or do I need to lift the whole thing up and re-caulk?

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