[Public-list] Atomic four intake seacock location

Gail DeMoss gdemoss at alberg30.org
Tue Apr 24 13:14:55 PDT 2007

Come on guys (includes gals)!  Snakes are our friends.  Think of how the 
world would be over run with rodents if we didn't have snakes.  And just 
imagine how frightened that little snake was to be in a white porcelain 
bowl.  It was just swimming along, minding its own busines when whooosh- 
it gets grabbed and sucked through all sorts of horrible tubes.  Snakes 
won't bother  you unless they feel threatened.  So, OK.  This one 
probably felt really threatened.   Maybe we will put a screen over the 
head intake on Calypso.  But, I still like snakes.

Gail Dinwiddie
> On
>  > another occasion I sucked up a small water snake in the head intake that
>  > does not have a strainer. The snake was swining around in the toilet. I 
> am
>  > glad that I did not suck that guy up the engine intake. BTW, I also have 
> a
>  > small strainer on the engine intake line and think that is a good idea.


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