[Public-List] Questions: table, bulkhead tabbing, watertank

Michael dickdurk at atlanticbb.net
Mon Aug 27 04:25:00 PDT 2007

Derrick Serrer wrote:

> The water was not leaking from the inspection plate, nor was it leaking from the deck fill or hose. In my search I did notice that I can not find a vent hose. Has anyone else encountered this? The water stopped leaking as soon as I pumped about 1/4 of a gallon out through the faucet.

Hi Derrick

there is, or was, a vent hose; a red rubber about 1/4" I.D. line that 
originates from the aluminum inspection plate and then snakes it's way 
forward to the chain locker. For years I had an extension on mine that I 
would grab and feed through the deck cowl when filling the water tank. I 
have since installed a through hull vent with a gooseneck.



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