[Public-List] Painting Non skid

dickdurk at atlanticbb.net dickdurk at atlanticbb.net
Sun Aug 12 15:48:58 PDT 2007

Scrub it with Comet-it's fairly abrasive. The chalking 
means the gel coat is probably porus, so paint should 
stick to it well. Painting will screw up the non skid 
ability of the diamond pattern, though. I mixed some 
interlux nonskid compound in the paint when I did mine.


On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 10:41:30 -0400 (EDT)
  Derrick Serrer <cptn_derrick at yahoo.ca> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>  I have a silly question. Mara's decks are in excellent 
>condition. The non-skid shows no sign of wear after 44 
>years of use. They are solid with no soft spots but the 
>old paint has seen better days. It is tired and chalky 
>and needs to be redone. Every painting instruction I have 
>come across always tells you to sand first. This is a no 
>brainer in a lot of cases, I mean how else does the new 
>paint bond with the old paint, but I do not want to touch 
>the non-skid considering it is in such excellent 
>condition. So my silly question is how do I paint the 
>decks without sanding off all of the non-skid and yet 
>allowing the paint to bond and not have to redo it very 
>year due to flaking off etc?
>  Thanks
>  Derrick 
>  Mara #127
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