[Public-List] Northern Michigan Rendezvous

Michael Connolly crufone at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 7 09:26:23 PST 2007

hip estimate was what i wanted. and i do not believe in motoring except
to and from my slip. so we all need  to set a date. like a fool i have
committed to doing an alaska marathon for the leukemia lymphoma
society(fundraising event if anyone wants to contribute to a great cause) so
i would not be able to do this trip until july or august.assuming i
don't die doing 26.2 miles on foot. that may be better time due to the
cold north anyway. 
rascal 145

  You sound pretty serious about doing this cruise.  "so we all need to set a date"
  I certainly would wait in line for the opportunity to help you sail the boat if you needed crew.
  If you brought your boat up from South Haven and we connected with Dave Terrel in Traverse City and or Joe Traub, in Cheboygan and then connected with John Manza and Gordon Laco if they both do the Port Huron/Mackinac, and onto Hilton Beach or some such place to meet Brian Zinzer that would be five or six boats..................nice.
  John Manza mentioned that the Mac race starts on the 12th of July, 2008 from Port Huron.  Would that be good timing for you?
  Amazing what 5 inches of snow in Indianapolis will do for one's summer sailing dreams...............


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