[Public-List] Alden 32

Brian Zinser bzinser at lssu.edu
Thu Dec 6 08:09:20 PST 2007

Dan, Michael, Gord, et al:

I just thought we could choose a place near the convergence of the three 
upper lakes (Superior, Michigan and Huron).  Not sure we would attract 
anyone from Superior, but St. Ignace, Detour Village and Harbor Island 
(near Drummond Island in US waters) is as central as you can get for 
Michigan and Huron.  All other locations are in Canadian waters in the 
North Channel.

Location really doesn't matter to me since I would most likely have the 
least distance to travel and probably have the most flexible schedule 
during the summer.

Michael, if we had it the weekend after the Port Huron-Mac race, John 
would probably be in the area.  However, the North Channel is the most 
crowded that time of the summer.  However, most cruisers head to the 
eastern end of the channel.  Most anchorages in the western end rarely 
have any boats.  However, there are areas in the west end of the channel 
that are equally as beautiful as the east end.

I would be happy to host at Hilton Beach.  We have excellent facilities, 
areas for group gatherings, reasonable dockage rates, a CanPass phone 
for the Americans to check-in,  local law enforcement which overlook 
Ontario consumption laws, motel for those who might want to join the 
group but not bring their boat, etc.

Michael Connolly wrote:
> Dan,
>   St Ignace is in the UP just North of the Straits of Machinaw, Hilton Beach is on St, Joseph's Channel, the western end of the north channel, CANADA.  Brian will have to tell you where the others places are, as I don't know. The USA and Canada.
>   Michael
> dan walker <dsailormon at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   so which country are all these locations?

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