[Public-list] Hello

Derrick Serrer cptn_derrick at yahoo.ca
Thu Feb 15 21:58:48 PST 2007

Hello All,
  I have been lurking in the sidelines on and off for a long time and have enjoyed it very much. I have went through a couple of different boats over the years (no A30's) and every time I think of getting another one, the A30 always comes to mind first. So I think we will hold off until we find the right one this time! Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew the story of Myth II? I am positive I have run across this boat for sale a long time ago (at least a year) on Yacht World, and it appears to still be there for sale? The ad mentions new batteries when it was put into storage 5 years ago? Could it have been sitting there for 5 years?
  Thanks, and I look forward to the day when I can join this group as an owner as opposed to a lurker, 

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