[Public-list] sealing bilge/ fuel in oil

John Malthouse jmaltcontact at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 30 20:16:58 PST 2007

Thanks for the input, think I'll check moirer marine for fuel pump re-build 
kit but read on their site kit does not come with new diaphram?

Re-built engine two seasons ago, new rings etc, did notice slightly bent top 
valve stem, believe mechanic helping me might have howned intake valve, was 
not there that day? I suppose I can test fuel pump while removed?

Bilge is very dry , but while cleaning last season, bilge cleaner seeped 
down to bottom of keel and out drilled hole. Noticed this in one day. Also 
when cleaning bilge I removed some loose red material resembling some sort 
of hard plastic, found evidence that in bottom of port locker of red spill 
so assume was waterline paint.   Still this does not solve my problem of 
water migrating into my keel which I suppose makes the boat heavier in the 
water?   Lots to do to be ready for spring launch
excuse the spelling and gramer errors,

#452 Mannin

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