[Public-list] Bulkhead question

FITZONELOVE at aol.com FITZONELOVE at aol.com
Sun Jun 3 17:35:48 PDT 2007

I would not hesitate to do the bolt upgrade; when I removed the 1/4" bolts,  
the foward lowers were bent, which was scary.  Go with the 5/16".  As  far as 
inspecting the bulkhead, knees and chainplates( take them out), I've  relied 
on visual inspection and tapping.   The surveyor seems to be  satisfied.  My 
boat is 40 years old, and I simply don't push her too hard;  there is no need 
to.   I might beef up the knees and bulkhead in the  future, but for now, with 
new bolts and sound attachment points, you should be  fine.  
If anything is questionable, I would not hesitate to have your yard expert  
take a look and give advice; expensive, but at least you can sleep  soundly.

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