[Public-list] Cruisers and Local Knowledge

John Riley jriley at dsbscience.com
Tue May 1 14:14:35 PDT 2007

Jack Vanderloo wrote:

> Totally off-topic, but related to your location and that of Ken Butler 
> in PEI .... have Maritimers and NLs ever thought of developing a 
> regional Alberg association/network - loosely, A22, A30, A37 or otherwise?

> The reason I ask is that having access to the local knowledge of members 
> in the more remote parts of North America's Alberg community, i.e., 
> outside the Chesapeake Bay and Great Lakes, would be an obvious boon to 
> anyone ever contemplating visiting that area.

> In so many words, would anyone Down East - individually or on a 
> collective basis - be willing to entertain winters-long, possibly inane, 
> questions about cruising down there?

I just wanted to throw this out there since this idea about local 
knowledge came up.

SailFar.net is a great forum for small boat cruising.  Most of the 
regulars are BIGTIME fans of all of Alberg's boats - with 
Ariel/Commander, Triton, A-30 and CD represented.  Other favorites 
include Rhodes designs and the Flicka.

Geographical coverage of the membership is worldwide - Sweden to 
Australia and all three coasts of the US (including Canada), the 
Falklands and Antarctica.  There are currently a few members under way, 
including one in the Bahamas and one in Mexico or Central America if 
memory serves.

SailFar.net has a board "Routes and Destinations" which would be a great 
place to post questions or offer your own local knowledge.  Kurt, the 
'owner' of that web site is the friend who helped me bring my A-30 down 
this past weekend, and he built that site around the premise of "Small 
Boats, Long Distances."

If interested, you can go to the forum page directly:  
http://sailfar.net/forum/index.php  Posting requires (free) registration 
to avoid spamming.  There is also an IRC chat every Tuesday night, but 
that can be hit or miss depending on who's on and when.

Be warned, though.  These guys are not shy about making modifications to 
their boats.  ;)

s/v Deneb, #521


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