[Public-list] Bootstripe: What is "level"?

Randy Katz randyk at bertschi.org
Thu May 10 14:30:36 PDT 2007


    I find the bootstripe question to have very tricky, boat-specific
aspects.  (Notice THE EASIEST WAY below)


    *  How does one know if one's boat is level fore and aft, side to side?
    It seems to me that one might, with the boat in the water and loaded as
is typical, lay a level on the cabin sole for starters.  Does it show level?
If not, I'd note the amount off of level and use that when painting time
    How about side to side?  Same deal.  (This is assuming, probably
unreasonably, that the sole is parallel to the water's surface.)

    A big problem is when the boat is out of the water, how does one then
determine where the parallel-to-the-water marks should go on the hull?

    Wouldn't it work to place the level on the sole again and adjust the
boat's support stands in order to return the entire vessel to its
in-the-water degree of level?  Then, of course, you'd need a way to mark
"level" (parallel to the ground) on the outside of the hull for masking and
painting purposes.  Laser device?

    Same for side to side.

    This seems to me to be about the only way to end up with a line that's
parallel to the water UNLESS one uses what must be...
    As the boat sits in the water, typically loaded (whatever the heck that
is--  use a sack of rocks to represent me sitting on board, I suppose),
Measure or notice how much off the present bootstripe is.  Then, with boat
hauled, repaint the bootstripe up or down a bit as needed.
    The measuring of freeboard fore and aft seems unreliable in that the
individual boats vary so much.

    As another Alberger put it:  "My 2 cents."


Randy Katz
Seattle/Bellingham, WA.
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: water line/boot stripe (Roger L. Kingsland)
>    2. Re: water line/boot stripe (Gordon Laco)
>    3. Re: Canadian Weekend Race Details - Please Join Us (Gordon Laco)
>    4. Re: water line/boot stripe (George Dinwiddie)
>    5. Boat history spreadsheet (George Dinwiddie)
>    6. Re: water line/boot stripe (Roger L. Kingsland)


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