[Public-list] AquaSiganl Nav Switch

Rick Leach rixquik at yahoo.com
Mon May 14 15:23:03 PDT 2007

Ahoy All!

I'm in the process of revamping #121's wiring and came across an AquaSignal product that sounds great.  A rotary switch that has positions for a) All off; b)Tri-color; c)Steaming lights; d)Anchor light, an additional function, spreader lights perhaps, can be energized in any of the positions by a pull-on, push-off switch.  (For a good look: http://www.aquasignal.net/, pull down "Catalog", click on "Accessories" and scroll down in the .pdf)  

My question is: Has anybody seen or tried one of these?  Are they as nifty as they seem?  Any reason to avoid them that I can't see?

Thanks in advance for the feedback.


Rick Leach
S/V Sugar Magnolia, #121
Monterey, California


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