[Public-list] Deck repairs

Coolray cooler2k at yahoo.com
Wed May 30 05:36:13 PDT 2007

Hello All,

I have every stick of wood, every piece of metal and
all the thru hulls off of my boat! What a job. Now
that the easy part is over, I have several questions
regarding deck repairs. I am going through "This Old
Boat" and some old emails to learn some of the
techniques, but the number of options and opinions are
daunting. Any help on the following would be much
1) I have approximately one million screw & bolt
holes, such as the through bolts for the old
deteriorated toe rail, that need to be filled. Some
will be seen others hidden. What is the best "filler"
to use? (Obviously a paint job will follow at the
appropriate time.)
2) I have several extensive locations on the deck that
appear to be cracked and parting gel coat. These
locations, such as behind the coaming boards vary in
size, but most are about half the thickness of a
penny. The entire cockpit sole is crazed in this
manner as are some other more localized areas. I
expect to have to rebuild the sole, but I'm not sure
what to do about the other areas as they appear to be
sound beneath. Any thoughts or past experience would
be helpful.
3) I have noticed several local areas on the hull that
appear to be small semi-circular "flakes". Most are
just above the bottom paint, (they could also be under
it for that matter), and appear to be only as thick as
a business card at best. In other words, thicker than
a coat of paint but thinner than the aforementioned
deck crazing. I have read the posts on osmotic
blisters and these areas do not sound like the same
problem. Once again, any advice is welcomed.

I can take pictures of these problems though I do not
know how well any of it will show up. 

Thank you in advance for your help and advice.
John Cooler
Atalaya, #087

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