[Public-list] cold duck

dan walker dsailormon at yahoo.com
Tue May 1 13:01:49 PDT 2007

bob, you be a reaching on these me thinks

Robert Kirk <isobar at bcpl.net> wrote:
  At 06:33 PM 4/30/2007, Hugh McCormack wrote:
>The name came with the boat when I bought her last fall. Actually, when I
>first saw her the "C" was missing and, although "Old Duck" is a term of
>endearment in England (my place of birth), I'm afraid I can't live with that
>either. I am still trying to find a more appropriate name that suits
>her...and meets the approval of the mate. I look forward to performing
>Vigor's renaming ritual.

Hugh... With your name, you should call her, "Reaper". (or Spice or Mustard?)

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181

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