[Public-List] How old is to old?

lhines at chustz.com lhines at chustz.com
Mon Apr 14 15:45:13 PDT 2008

Price is too high
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Cristóbal Pomés" <cpomes at gmail.com>

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 18:35:09 
To:public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Subject: [Public-List] How old is to old?

Hi, i´m new here and i have a huge question. Im planning on buying an A30
and i have a offer. Its a 1965 with a Universal 18hp. It needs some work to
be done on the boat, such as changing shrouds, buying a  new anchor chain
etc. They are offering the boat at $20.000, and I estimate the cost fixing
everything at around $4000. But im not sure to buy it because its very old,
although everything looks fine, just in need of some care. How old is to old
to buy?

                           Christopher Pomés Lathrop, Chile.
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