[Public-List] removing through-hull with 5200 on it

Randy Katz randyk at bertschi.org
Thu Aug 7 10:02:20 PDT 2008

Greetings, All, 

Wanted to report back on efforts to remove the just-installed
     through-hull which I originally embedded using 3M 5200.

Decided to take apart the week old work because I realized the
     importance of having metals that match on the through-hull
     fitting and the seacock, bronze being the standard. I had
     installed a through-hull fitting of unknown metal content
     figuring what the heck-- had second thoughts.

I was lucky! I'd used 5200 with the one-week cure time. I hadn't
     noticed that there are several different cure times, and that
     they vary along with the colors. @ 12 days after the original
     installation I was expecting to have to cut the boat apart to get
     that nasty 5200 out. Imagine my surprise when, with some ramped
     up tugging on the seacock using a pipe wrench, I was able to
     unscrew the thing right off. A miracle, thought I.

Getting the t-hull fitting out was another story. I could turn it with
    a pipe wrench on it's threads from the inside, but couldn't push
    it out. Resorting to the classic threaded bolt puller worked like
    a charm.

Having read about caulks since the original installation, I understood
    that some people sweat that 5200 has no place on a boat. The very
    helpful fellow at Redden Marine in Bellingham, was persuasively of
    that school. A sailboat owner for many decades, he's always used
    Boat Life caulk. He recommended 4200 if wanting to stick with 3M
    products. I'm sure many Albergers have a variety of thoughts on

I went with 4200 second time around. (It is also listed as suitable
     for through-hull fittings.) The other t-hulls installed with 5200
     will have to be dealt with by the next owner, some decades from
     now. Of course, I'm assuming that A-30s will be plying the seas
     and waterways for ANOTHER 40 years.

    HOpe this info is helpful to someone.

Randy Katz
Seattle/Bellingham, WA,


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