[Public-List] Sling points for haul out (& boat #102)

Randy Katz randyk at bertschi.org
Fri Aug 22 19:59:00 PDT 2008

Sling points for haul out 

Greetings, All,

For the first time my yard (Colony Wharf, Bellingham, WA.) arranged
     slings with one fwd and one right BEHIND the rudder-- faster and
     easier and keeps the boat more level. It seemed to work fine
     coming and going.

     Any thoughts about this?  Bad idea?

  Many thanks,
Randy Katz
Seattle, Bellingham, WA. 

PS Came across A-30 #102, owned since 1980/81 by "John" (darn it,
didn't get his last name) out of Canoe Cove, north of Victoria, BC. We
had a nice chat in James Bay, Prevost Island. John said his boat
("Olympus") was the first A-30 brought to the west coast, to
Vancouver. It was used for showcasing A-30s and was entered in a
number of races-- "for advertising" was how John put it.
John's not on the email list but has happily cruised the Gulf Islands,
     BC. for these last 25 years or so.


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