[Public-List] advice onn sheeting

Dave Terrell dterrell at message.nmc.edu
Sun Aug 31 18:27:59 PDT 2008

My question grows out of a reason discussion about use of a working jib on an Alberg 30. I have a 11O% genoa and am seeking advice on how to lead the sheets. I am trying to figure out what is the best head sail setup for the breezier weather that September will bring to our part of the world. The sail never touches the spreader and the clew extends only a few inches beyond the upper shroud. I consulted with the local Quantum Loft and they thought I could sheet the 110 to the the inboard track next to the cabin house. In light air this afternoon I tried various options and the sail seemed to tell me that it wanted the sheet to go between the aft lower and the upper shroud and from there inside to the block on the inboard sail track.  This arrangement seemed to work well for beating, close reaching and reaching. 

Does this approach to sheeting make sense or would it be better to sheet the 110 inside all the shrouds (this seems ideal for beating but may not so ideal for other points of sail).... or sheet it to a block that would lead the sheets outside all the shrouds to a block on the outside sail track? I have tried this last approach with success, but want to find out if there is a better option for the windy conditions that are coming.

What do members of the group think? any advice will be much appreciated.

David, Scholarhship II, 432


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