[Public-List] Removing 3M 5200?

Gordon Laco mainstay at csolve.net
Sat Aug 2 15:02:39 PDT 2008

Hi -

I 'smote my forehead' after realizing that I had allowed my knotmeter
through hull to rotate when tightening the inside nut.  It was 5200'd in,
hence the self-smack on the forehead.

I removed the sending unit, put a doubled line through the through hull
around a bar of oak inside.  I led the doubled line around a leg of the
cradle and inserted a 3' piece of oak as a spanish windlass and wound it up
as tight as I could make it; tied off the bar then I walked away.

I came back the next day and the through hull had broken free of the 5200
and popped out.

I am sure this is not the prescribed method, but it worked.

Who else would I admit such a story to than fellow A30 sailors?

Gord #426

On 8/2/08 5:13 PM, "Jeffrey" <fongemie at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Randy,
> I've seen this stuff supposedly able to dissolve 5200 although I've not used
> it:
> http://store.hamiltonmarine.com/browse.cfm/4,29255.html
> I just went through removing 4x5" blocks of wood from my deck that was
> adhered with 5200 and what worked for me was using some strong wire as
> a cutting device, slowly sawing through the 5200 where ever I could,
> then tapping in some thin putty knives..eventually slipping a wood
> wedge in there.  I went through lots of wire, it has to be thin, but
> strong. I took about 4 feet of wire, wrapped each end around a short
> dowel and sawed back and forth slowly. Going too fast breaks the wire,
> and I was generating smoke!
> Granted, if your seacock is threaded to your through-hull you'll never
> be able to wedge anything apart. Remove the bolts, try cutting the
> seal with a wire all the way around, then possibly spin the seacock to
> unthread from the seacock.
> I tried acetone and it did nothing, as did toluene.
> Good luck.
> -jeff
> #116
> On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Randy Katz <randyk at bertschi.org> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Due to an embarrassing (should I say, stupid?) oversight I feel
>>    compelled to take apart a new through-hull/seacock assembly and
>>    redo it. The reason? I unwittingly used a through-hull that is a
>>    different metal than the bronze Apollo seacock. I don't know what
>>    exactly the through-hull is made of, but instead of worrying about
>>    it, I'm going to deal with it now.
>> I used 3M 5200 in putting the thing together-- can anyone suggest
>>     removal techniques? By now I understand that this is going to be
>>     a real bear to get apart. I'd really like to be able to reuse the
>>     $100 seacock, of course!
>> I understand that acetone might help, cutting of the 5200 made be of
>>    some use-- I'm imagining that I may use a sawz-all to lop off the
>>    head of the through-hull... and then....?
>>    Many thanks for your help as I fumble down the DIY path, here.
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