[Public-List] Fw: wash stand in the head

Dave Terrell dterrell at message.nmc.edu
Sat Jan 5 12:50:20 PST 2008


Scandvik does not help us out as much as they could. The sink # is 10923. The drain is 10306, What I am thnking of doing is using a very nice piece of teak like wood (sepiele - not sure of the spelling) located in my garage . It  is about an inch thinck and about 12x12 in. I will cut a 7 3/4 inch hole in it for the bowl to fit in. Since the diameter of the basin is 9 " I may be able to make the base smaller without making it look crampted. I am thinkng about using a pinao hinge to attach the base with the sink in it to the bulkhead. The result will be that its own weight and the hinge will hold it in place. If it needs a little  more help supprting itself, I will use a block or longer piece of wood under the base to provide that support.  I will use a circular latch mounted on an appropriately sized block to keep the unit in place when it is stored. My boat came with a rather nice pump for the Whitby sink. I will install that pump on a permanent platform attached to the bulkhead. Water will  come from the freshwater tank to  the pump which will be located so that it overhangs the basin when it is deployed. The sink will be drained into the hole that leads to the bilge. I am going to create a covering for the front and sides of the pump platform which will enclose the hoses thus making for neat (literally) installation.  The whole unit should be extend about 6 inches from the bulkhead when deployed.  Seated visitors should not be incovenienced by the folding wash stand. If it works out as well as i think it will I may have a place for a tooth brush, soap, etc. just  like home, sort of.

At Defender the price for the basin is about $74.00; the price for the drain is $19.99. Defender uses scandvik's numbers as well as their own part number. 

If all goes well, for $100 and some loose change I will have a useful and maybe silightly elegant washstand when I finish.

Hope this helps. Ask any questions if you like. If anyone more experiences  sees something problematic in this plan, let me know. 


>>> Jonathan Adams <laughing_gull at verizon.net> 01/05/08 10:17 AM >>>


Which Scanvik model was the one you chose? On the Scanvik page, I could not find the whole assembly - do you plan on making the base, or am I just not able to find the thing .

I have the original fixture off and in parts. Does anyone know of a method of getting the aluminium holder/drain really clean and painted nicely. I think the right way is to have it power blasted, and then finished in a shop. I forget the phrase - powder finish? Is it worth doing? Does anyone know the name of someone who could do this cost effectively near Annapolis?

Thanks - interesting how mich trafic this one has generated.


----- Original Message ----
From: Dave Terrell <dterrell at message.nmc.edu>
To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Sent: Friday, January 4, 2008 12:16:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Public-List] wash stand in the head


Thanks. Your description its with what I remember of mine and with the
 picture that Dudley submitted. I think a smaller size basin with a
 drain would  be better, just as functional, and maybe, begin to look
 elegant. The basin I found from Scandvik is 9 inches in diamater and 5 inches
 deep. it has a 5/7 flange . This produces a 7 3/4 inche diameter
 basin. Just enough to wash one's hands or brush one's teeth. The drain will
 lie flat against the bulkhead when the basin is stowed.

The stainless bowls from walmart seem practical and cost effective, but
  I would like to have a functional drain since I have a drain hole
 aready in the head.

Thanks for the good wishes - recovery is going well, a painless process
 so far. Sailing time is holy time and must be protected as much as


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