[Public-List] Check out this modification

Gordon Laco mainstay at csolve.net
Sun Jan 13 10:45:52 PST 2008

More yachting history...

While Hasler sailed from his companionway, it was Bernard Moitessier who
made domes like that popular among some people.  His boat JOSHUA had one and
for awhile people copied it.  I liked Moitessier because of his high
principals... When leading the first ever single-handed round the world race
in the late '60's, he decided that sailing alone non-stop around the world
for a race was beneath the spiritual value of the experience so when
charging up the Atlantic with only a few thousand miles to go, he eased his
sheets and turned right, went around the Cape of Good Hope again, below
Australia again, and up to Tahiti; effectively extending his non-stop voyage
to one and a half times around the world. Crazy.  His book about it is

Gord #426 SURPRISE

> Jim
> I would like to see a picture of the head. The inboard steering station must
> have had an impact there. I wonder what sort of impact.
> david
>>>> Rob Alley <1ralley at comcast.net> 01/13/08 12:10 PM >>>
> The idea for this may have come from a relatively famous singlehander of
> the 50's and 60's who sailed a small Junk.  He had such a pilothouse on
> the Junk which allowed him to manipulate the sail and stay off the deck
> in bad weather--I can't get to my library now, so I can't find his name.
> James McRury wrote:


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