[Public-List] 7/8 Summer cruise and schedule chage

Jim Davis a30240 at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 8 18:21:52 PDT 2008

After leaving Onancock we had a good sail to Crisfield where Sandy Dvid snd Sandy Myers tred to eat the city out of crabs.  They weren't successful, but it was a good try.  From Crisfield we were supposed to go to St. Mary's, but the winds did not cooperate.  We opted for Solomons insted.  Tomorrow will be a lay day for sightseeing and shopping.  On Thursday we will go to Cambridge and moor in the old comerciall harbor.  Friday will either be Oxford or Dunn Cove.  Saturday will be Harness Creek as scheduled.

S/V Isa Lei
CT 35

If man does find the solution for world peace it will be the most revolutionary reversal of his record we have ever known. 

George C. Marshall 


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