[Public-List] [Fwd: re US Sailing Prescription]

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Wed Jun 4 17:42:45 PDT 2008

I thought I'd pass this along, as there has been recent discussion of 
the possibility of requiring US Sailing membership to participate in 
most sailing events in the US.

Personally, I think this is stupid as it will prevent newcomers from 
trying out racing to see if they like it.  The survey is very short (one 
question) and didn't allow the essay I wanted to write.

  - George

-------- Original Message --------

*We Need To Hear >From You!*

As many of you are aware, US Sailing is considering adding a
prescription to the 2009-2012 RRS to require U S Sailing membership for
owners and helmspersons on most races run under the RRS. Much discussion
has ensued and CBYRA has benefited by being copied on much of it. One
thing is clear. Many people do not understand what U S Sailing and CBYRA

We thought it might help if both organizations published a brief, bullet
point statement on what it is that we do. CBYRA’s will be on our front
page shortly. We can not speak for U S Sailing. However, a short list of
US Sailing functions follows:

     * *Education:* Develop and publish course materials and train
       instructors for Learn to Sail, Safety at Sea, race management,
       Race Officer and Judges, and power boat.
     * *Youth Championships:* Develop and maintain the rules, certify
       Race Officers and Judges to run ladder events from Junior through
       College that feeds into our Olympic program.
     * *Racing:* Develops and publishes RRS, maintain appeals, class
       administration, sail numbers, RO and Judges Programs and represent
       the US with ISAF
     * *Olympics: */Administers/* *the US Olympic sailing program. None
       of your US Sailing dues goes toward this initiative.

*What CBYRA does*:

     * *Provides A Voice*: Represents our member Clubs’, Classes’ and
       individual members’ interests to US Sailing.
     * *The Schedule:* Coordinates the racing schedule to assure equal
       opportunities for all our member clubs to run races for the
       benefit and satisfaction of all racing classes and divisions.
     * *Publications*: the Green, Red and yearbooks are excellent sources
       of information.
     * *Junior Sailing;* Coordinates and supports programs throughout the
     * *Represents All Racers:* Handicap, Cruising One Design, One Design
       and Junior sailing to include the sanctioning of the new PHRF
       Cruising class and several COD and One Design classes this year.
     * *Highpoint Series*: Calculates the annual highpoint scores for all
       recognized classes on a regional basis and provides trophies for
       the winners.
     * *Regatta Support:* Locates US Sailing certified Race Officers and
       Judges when needed for our member Clubs’ events.
     * *Financial Support: *Provides grant money to Clubs running
       regional and national events, for junior sailors to compete in
       regional, national and international events.
     * *Website Services:* Allows Clubs and Classes to offer on-line
       entries and credit card payment for their events. The site also
       provides numerous opportunities to stay up to date on regional
       affairs as well as a communication device for racing sailors.
     * *CBYRA Race Week*: Brings outstanding competitors to your home
       waters. Our only annual fund raising activity.
     * *Management: *CBYRA maintains an office in Annapolis with a
       professional Executive Director. CBYRA has an 11 member volunteer
       Board of Directors and numerous committee members who manage and
       coordinate the racing activities in the Chesapeake.

*Respond Today! *

Please tell us if you are in favor of mandatory US Sailing membership
for owners and helmspersons competing in most races run under the RRS.

Follow this link and register your opinion.

Best regards,

Bobby Frey, CBYRA President


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