[Public-List] Syronelle in Toronto

Meinhold, Michael J. MICHAEL.J.MEINHOLD at saic.com
Mon Jun 16 12:20:34 PDT 2008

The annual Syronelle Regatta was hosted by the Great Lakes Alberg
Association this past weekend. The racing was on Lake Ontario in sight
of the lovely city of Toronto. Three sailors (Ray Meyer, Mike Nikolich
and I)  from the Chesapeake Bay went up and had an absolutely fantastic
weekend.  A full report will follow, with every intent to 

1) make you wish you had come, and 
2) get you to make plans for next year!

I can't say enough about our gracious hosts - the National Yacht Club
for it's excellent race committee and hosting the visiting A30's, John
and Joan Kitchener for all their work organizing and lending us Jazz,
Phil Birkenheier for giving all three of us place to stay, John Flanders
for hosting the Friday night party, all the folks who provided the great
food for the potluck,  and all the Great Lakes A30 sailors, some of whom
came great distances to sail and socialize with us.

We look forward to returning the good hospitality in October when the
Potapskut Sailing Association will host the Great Lakes sailors for
racing on the Magothy.

Mike / Rinn Duin #272

Michael J. Meinhold
Vice Commodore, Chesapeake Bay Alberg 30 Association
mmeinhold at comcast.net


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