[Public-List] Alberg 30 Circumnavigation Salsa #504

swiftlaw at aol.com swiftlaw at aol.com
Thu Mar 13 07:48:32 PDT 2008

WOW !!!  Pictures man. More pictures under way. write write write, Man O man - Go with God - and keep us all current. 


 Tom Swift

-----Original Message-----
From: dan walker <dsailormon at yahoo.com>
To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
Sent: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 9:37 pm
Subject: Re: [Public-List] Alberg 30 Circumnavigation Salsa #504

ok, i am jealous
Kirk Little <kirkalittle at hotmail.com> wrote: Would like to write a lot more but 
anted to let the fellow Albergers know that I am underway and have satellite 
racking via "spot" that I'm posting on my website in progress 
SailingSalsa.com).  Just arrived in Nassau from Brunswick GA via Ft. 
auderdale, rough but fast and manageable Gulf Stream crossing, update on that 
hould be on my website soon.  Also still have a 150% Genoa like new for sail at 
y 'folks' house if anyone wants it, and the old Origo 2-burner in good shape if 
nyone is interested.  Basic mods I did before departure (hope to talk a LOT 
ore about this later for those of you who like details) But all new 1/4" 
igging (even the lowers), Furuno Radar, Norvane windvane, Icom 802 SSB w/ 
eparate copper antenna and dipole, Manual windlass and Bowroller, (they turned 
ut VERY nice so I will get pics of this up soon or they might get posted on 
ame's website first since he helped with the refit
(www.atomvoyages.com).  Added a rain collection system on deck (very simple 
hrough hull with valve and hose running to cabin).  Re-built entire v-birth 
ith new plastimo flexible tank in its own locker, probably added about 5X the 
riginal storage plus same water capacity supplemented with about 30 gallons in 
ugs.  Added Profurl roller furler, new main w/ three reef points and storm 
rysail, and gennaker all from Mack sails all came out great.  Reinforced all of 
he chain plate supports, and replaced upper shroud chainplates with larger 
nes, removed origo and installed custom gimbaled kerosene stove, two 55W solar 
anels custom tracker / mounts, total re-wire with a very nice custom electric 
anel w hinged door,  plus a LOT more, sorry for the lack of details but I'll 
ry to add a complete list to my website when I have time.  Itinerary is Nassau 
o Georgetown Exumas ASAP, then Windward passage non-stop to Panama, across the 
. Pacific, winter likely in Australia, then
choose between S. Africa (likely) or Red Sea to the Med. -Kirk 
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