[Public-List] Picasa - Kilwinning #446

JD Videotron dusseaultj at videotron.ca
Sun Mar 9 21:48:11 PDT 2008

>From time to time I have shared some pictures of Kilwinning with my fellow
Alberg owners.  I discovered the cite below hosted by google – picasa.  They
provide a free website for pictures.  I decided to create a site and put an
assortment of pictures of Kilwinning on it.  Let me know what you think?




Jacques M. Dusseault


Synergem Management Inc.

2 de Menton, Gatineau, Québec,


phone: 819-561-1268, Fax 819=561-2361

email: jdusseault at synergem.org

web site: www.synergem.org



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