[Public-List] Small cleats for on deck for mooring pendant

Jay Davenport jay at saildriver.com
Mon Mar 31 04:58:18 PDT 2008

I have kept my boat on a mooring for many years, and I had the same issues you mention. I wanted to go to a 3/4" mooring pendant from Hamilton Marine.
  I decided to install a 12" aluminum Schaeffer cleat just to the right of the center of my deck, between and aft of the existing bow chocks (which I had previously moved aft as far as possible on the aluminum stem casting). 
  The 12" cleat is lined up directly behind my bow anchor roller. I used a 12" square piece of 1/8" aluminum as a backing plate, and installed it under the forward deck with a thickened epoxy layer between the plate and the fiberglas deck. The cleat is through-bolted through the deck and backing plate. 
  The large cleat can accept a mooring line(s), fairly led, from either of the bow chocks, or from the anchor roller. After several years of use, it has worked well, with no negative results.
  Jay Davenport
  Revolution, A30 #526

Jeffrey Fongemie <jeffrey at fongemie.com> wrote:
  Hey everyone,

anyone here put their boat on a mooring instead of a dock?

I need to get setup, and noticed that the two 8 inch cleats on the
deck can't fit much more than 1/2 inch line through them. I was
hoping to use at least 3/4 inch line with the pendant but there's no

Looks like I'll need bigger cleats, or a bollard. What have others done??


Jeffrey Fongemie
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