[Public-List] Bug stains on mains'l

Rod Symmes harmony at aztec-net.com
Tue Oct 28 16:47:32 PDT 2008

George & Don,  Thanks 

The idea of lemon juice reminded me that I have some citrus based hand cleaner.  It is strong enough to make a great [better smelling] oven cleaner when scrubbed, but mild enough that it doesn't hurt when cleaning hands that have the  odd nick so I figured it shouldn't be too strong for the sail.
Using the cleaner straight and scrubbing it gently with a soft fingernail brush removed all the residue from the bodies of those nasty little bugg..s
Rinsed two or three times with a sponge and then wiped it down with a rag.  Hung the sail up to dry for two days before packing .
There are just grey smudges where each black spot had been and I am sure the sunlight will bleach that out , as you suggested, George.  Too windy and no sun so that will have to wait.  
Don - Thanks for the other possible cleaners.  I will be saving that email for future reference.  Some of those sounded very handy.

Cheers,    Rod

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