[Public-List] Two Blade Props and Sailing World NOOD Regatta

J Bergquist jbergqui at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 14:16:32 PDT 2009

Andrew also put quite a bit of effort into the NOOD situation himself.

Also, just a reminder that we are going to be having the A30 spring
rendezvous at the Bay Ridge clubhouse at Lake Ogleton on Saturday
afternoon/evening of the NOOD. I am planning to attend by sea and I
know there are at least 2 other racers who are planning to attend. I
look forward to seeing many of you there. It is going to be a fun
regatta and a great party. Don't forget to send your registration in
to Tim Williams as detailed in this month's Mainsheet.

Kind regards,

J Bergquist

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 3:43 PM,  <laserandy at aol.com> wrote:
> Bill,
> Tim just recently registered for the NOOD, the half knot has become very important.
> On the subject of the NOOD (Sailing World National Offshore One Design Regatta), for those of you who don't follow the racing scene closely, I just wanted to mention that due in no small part to the efforts of our event chair Tim Williams and racing commodore J Bergquist, the Alberg 30s have eight strong boats registered so far, and will possibly have another one or two before registration closes.?
> Even in the down economy, we're going strong.? Excluding the 'dinghy' keelboats in the event, we're about even with most of the other one design keelboat fleets on the bay in terms of registration.
> If you haven't raced in a while but are chomping at the bit to get back out, you can still register (or probably find an open spot on a registered boat).? If the NOOD is a bit too high-key and you'd like a slightly lower impact event to start the season, we'll be racing on the Magothy River May 9 and 10 weekend with a party at PSA the evening of the 9th.
> Hope to see some new faces this year.? It's going to be a fun season.
> Andrew
> Andante - 152
>>Message: 2
>>Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 22:54:03 EDT
>>From: Wcwinslow at aol.com
>>Subject: Re: [Public-List] Public-List Digest, Vol 1487, Issue 1
>>To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org
>>Message-ID: <be5.506a1d7b.370d6bcb at aol.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>>In a message dated 4/7/2009 3:03:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>>public-list-request at lists.alberg30.org writes:
>>>We  currently have a three blade prop and would like to switch to a two
>>>blade  prop.  Can someone please let me know the correct size two blade
>>>prop  for the A30 with a yanmar 18hp?
>>Unless you are racing and a half knot is important, why do you want to go
>>from three blades to two. The 2 is far less efficient, particularly in
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