[Public-List] Seacocks and gate valves.

Rachel penokee at cheqnet.net
Tue Apr 14 22:38:15 PDT 2009

On Apr 13, 2009, at 11:20 AM, Mark Dietrich wrote:

> I have a question regarding the raw water intake.  On my boat, 
> 531, the hose has a tee and one leg goes to a thru hull fitting in the 
> sink locker and the other to a thru hull fitting under the batteries.
> Also there is no raw water strainer or filter.
> Are these conditions normal?


Which hose are you talking about exactly?  I mean, I see that you say 
engine intake, but I can't understand exactly how the rest of it fits 
in.  It doesn't sound normal for a first-generation boat, but then a 
second-gen boat might be different.  I'll outline how they were 
originally on my ex #221

My boat has its original set-up when I got it.  The engine intake 
through hull was on the port side of the hull, just ahead of -- and 
below -- the engine flywheel.  So not too far from the forward end of 
the Port side engine bed. It services only the engine.

Under the sink there were two through hulls.  One small one for a 
saltwater sink intake, and one larger one for the sink drain.  The sink 
is aft/starboard.

Under the front end of the cockpit were two more large through hulls 
(behind the engine) which served the two cockpit drains.

In the head were the last two through hull (of the type with hoses on 
them; not counting instruments).  The intake was smaller and was right 
next to the companionway (hallway) at the aft end of the compartment.  
The discharge was towards the outboard edge of the compartment, and 

The only place that one seacock/through hull served two items on my 
boat was something that I think may have been added later, but it may 
have been stock.  The lower drain for the icebox went into a "T" 
fitting on the port cockpit scupper run.

I'm not sure where your batteries are, so I don't know what you've got 
there (mine were in the compartments under the saloon sole).

My boat did not have a raw water strainer (proper) stock.  It had one 
of those "grates" (round with holes) over the through hull.  However 
that through hull had been changed, so even that might not have been 
stock. I removed that when I put in new through hulls and seacocks, as 
I don't want any trapped items way out there to have to dive on.  There 
is now a bronze intake strainer (glass and basket type) inside the 
boat, mounted to the bulkhead that's between the galley and the engine 
room.  Fit in just fine and you can change the basket with the 
clearance gained by taking the engine compartment top off.  It's even 
above the water line.

I hope this helps,

ex #221


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