[Public-List] Holding tanks for pre-liner boats

Rick Leach rixquik at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 6 16:42:56 PDT 2009

Oops...what the heck happened there?!?!

From: Rick Leach <rixquik at yahoo.com>
To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2009 4:39:08 PM
Subject: Holding tanks for pre-liner boats

Bruno & Elyse,
Please add my address to the list of emails to send the holding tank information to.  
After a couple of disappointments already, I'd like to build a mock-up to play with before committing to taking part in the purchase.
Thanks for sharing the benefits of all your efforts!  CHeers!
Rick Leach, rixquik at yahoo.com
Sugar Magnolia, #121


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