[Public-List] Holding Tank Drawings

John Riley jriley at dsbscience.com
Fri Apr 10 07:13:27 PDT 2009

elyse.pastor at sympatico.ca wrote:
> Hello Albergers,
> George placed the drawings of the proposed Holding tank (for pre-liner boats) on the web site. Thank you George.
> Here is the link.
> http://alberg30.org/maintenance/Head/CustomOlder/HoldingTankDesignV1.4.pdf 

One comment about the last drawing:

I'm not saying my way is 'better,' but I did the plumbing a little 
differently.  I put the Y-valve after the holding tank (ie, between the 
tank and the deck fitting/overboard discharge.  Between the Y-valve and 
the seacock is a Whale waste pump to pump out the tank overboard.

My reasoning was this: I could envision being in an out-of-the-way place 
(ie, no pump-out facility anywhere around), anchored, for extended 
periods and would not want to flush overboard.  So, what to do when the 
tank gets full?  Pull up the hook, sail out offshore a few miles and 
pump out the tank.  Then run back in to same or different anchorage to 
continue seclusion.

I also know of at least one cruiser who has the best of both methods.   
By using 2 Y-valves, he can pump-out at marina, flush directly overboard 
or manually pump-out the tank overboard.  I simply opted for a less 
complicated compromise, choosing to live with the idea that offshore, we 
will still use the tank and will have to periodically have to pump it out.


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